Notice of Election Notice of Election relating to the upcoming UK Parliamentary Election for the Tewkesbury Constituency. Name change consultation poster 2024.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [139.9 KB]
Tewkesbury Borough Council Name Change Consultation At a meeting of Council on 15 May, Tewkesbury Borough councillors were ‘minded to’ change the council’s name subject to a new six-week consultation so that stakeholders can provide feedback and raise any suggestions, as well as give views on logo options.
The consultation will run from 17 May 2024 to 28 June 2024. Therefore, we are keen to hear the views of all our residents, across every corner of our borough, to ensure all have their say and are represented. Members of the public, local businesses, town and parish councils, and other partners and interested parties are welcome to give feedback. Their views will play a crucial role in shaping the identity of our borough and helping to ensure that our name reflects all of our communities. A further report, including a summary Name change consultation poster 2024.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [139.9 KB]
Planning Permission Checking Service TBC Press Release A new free online self-service planning tool has been launched by Tewkesbury Borough Council. Planning Permission portal press release[...] Adobe Acrobat document [450.1 KB]
Tewkesbury Borough Council Budget Press Release: Council set budget 2024/25 TBC Budget.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [382.8 KB]